Liquid Meth Discovered in Texas Middle School

October 15th, 2013
Crystal, speed, and now — liquid?
A perplexing form of methamphetamine was discovered in the hands of six middle schoolers last week in Texas City, Texas. Officials found small pieces of paper soaked with the substance that were reportedly meant to be dissolved in the user’s mouth, acid-style.
The liquid meth was so potent that it could be absorbed through the skin with a single touch.
“There are six eighth-grade girls currently suspended while the investigation is still going on,” said Melissa Tortorici, Texas City School District spokeswoman. “Until the investigation is complete, we will not know the disciplinary action that will be implemented,” she added.
Blocker Middle School officials called EMS upon learning that students had consumed meth. While the students were treated at a local hospital, lab analysis began to determine what, exactly, this unknown meth substance contained.
Preliminary results confirmed that methamphetamine was indeed present. However, the precise makeup — as well as how liquid meth is made — remains unclear.
-Adrienne Hurst, Senior Editor