Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Dyersburg, Tennessee (3)
List Of Dyersburg, Tennessee Addiction Treatment Facilities
Charts showing statistics of drug and alcohol related admissions to treatment centers in Tennessee, including Dyersburg, TN, show the drug mentioned during the time of admission. The statistics are obtained from the N-SSATS and the TEDS survey for SAMHSA and they show that over the past fifteen years, there has been a slow decline in the admissions that mentioned alcohol, but a steady increase in the admissions mentioned opiates, apart from heroin. Alcohol related admissions had decreased from 89% to 59%, whereas those related to opiates had increased from 6% to 29%, during the years 1992 to 2006.
If you know anyone in Dyersburg, TN, who is in need of assistance in recovering from addiction to either drugs or alcohol, our directory listings can be the perfect solution. Our listings offer you details of rehab centers in and around your area in Tennessee. The centers are able to offer the patient an integrated and customized solution, based on the needs of the particular patient. Treatment programs are offered for all kinds of chemical dependency, substance abuse or drug and alcohol addiction. Highly experienced staff and medical professionals offer a well rounded treatment program, though the programs may range from short ones to long ones, residential to outpatient and so on.