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Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers That Accept Value Options Healthcare

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers That Accept Value Options Healthcare

ValueOptions Healthcare is now Beacon Health Options, as the two entities merged in December of 2014. Before the merger with Beacon Health Strategies, ValueOptions was the product of a 1998 merger of two companies, Value Behavioral Health and Options Health Care.

Although ValueOptions still operates under the same name in California, members in other areas of the country have begun to see the Beacon Health Options logo on their insurance cards and websites to access their benefits and accounts.

Beacon Health Options works with many insurance providers to manage the behavioral health aspect of your plan. The merger between Beacon Health and ValueOptions has provided members with more comprehensive tools to understand substance abuse and addiction, as well as educational materials for the management of mental health and behavioral health issues.

Additionally, Beacon Health Options utilizes the criteria standards for medical necessity set by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). These criteria are used to determine the appropriate level of care at the appropriate times in a member’s journey through substance abuse, addiction, treatment, and recovery.

Beacon Health Options specifically focuses on the following six guiding principles of the ASAM criteria, which are:

  1. To consider the whole person, including the member’s risks, needs, strengths, and resources.
  2. That treatment should be designed around a specific individual and his or her unique needs.
  3. To individualize treatment lengths depending on progress and any changing needs.
  4. Not to increase treatment intensity based only on “failure” of a less intense program; for example, not to deny inpatient treatment unless the member has “failed out” of outpatient treatment.
  5. To allow patients to transition between levels of care as the progress and current needs may require.
  6. To change the definition of addiction to be based on updated research discoveries and clinical wisdom.

Beacon Health Options also provides its members with an optional Case Management Program for more intense coordination of services and community resources in recovery.

Since the merger, it is important to be sure you have an updated copy of your benefits and the details of your health insurance plan. Although Beacon Health is a behavioral health giant in the health industry, there may be some significant differences between your ValueOptions Healthcare benefits, and those through Beacon. If you are actively seeking addiction treatment for yourself or for a covered loved one, keep in mind that there may be a requirement for pre-authorization of services, especially those that are inpatient, such as partial hospitalization and residential addiction treatment. Detox may also require pre-authorization, so it is important to be clear on your requirements to receive these services through your plan.

All Treatment can help

At, we strive to provide the most accurate and updated information regarding all things treatment and recovery, which includes getting through the bureaucracies of health insurance plans and benefits. We can check and verify your benefits and help you to clearly understand how your benefits affect your cost for addiction treatment, and exactly what kind of treatment levels you are eligible to use through your ValueOptions Health plan. As you work through the struggle of addiction, we will work with you to find the most effective form of treatment for your needs at the most efficient cost for your wallet. Your path to recovery is a life-saving journey, and we are here to help you find it and thrive in health and recovery.

Resources: – An Introduction to The ASAM Criteria for Patients and Families – ValueOptions® of California

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