Alaska Crack & Cocaine Addiction Treatment Centers (3)
Alaska Crack & Cocaine Addiction Treatment Centers
Alaska crack and cocaine addiction treatment centers assist individuals who struggle with abuse and dependence upon these substances. Crack and cocaine addiction is a societal and health concern in Alaska, as it is in much of the rest of the United States.
Cocaine and crack are highly addictive stimulant drugs, and very difficult to abstain from for a large percentage of users, even after completing treatment. Addiction treatment for crack and cocaine in Alaska helps people learn how to live without the use of substances, and could be in an outpatient or inpatient environment.
Consistent with most states, cocaine is common in most areas of Alaska and crack cocaine is more common in urban areas. The supply of cocaine and crack in Alaska is sparse because of the vast expanse the drugs must travel throughout the state.
Alaska has experienced a recent increase in residents who inject cocaine, due to the prevalence of other illicit injectable drugs. Injecting cocaine, rather than snorting the drug, can lead to faster development of addiction and dependence, creating the need for cocaine and crack addiction treatment. In Alaska, adolescent drug use is also common, which is a predictor of dependence on cocaine and crack later in life.
Crack and cocaine addiction treatment in Alaska may be outpatient or residential but always begins with detox. Detox from crack or cocaine typically lasts between three and five days and does not usually require medical intervention.
After detox, addiction treatment programs offer a wide range of services, which vary depending on the specific program.
Some of the services provided by most addiction treatment centers:
- individual counseling
- group counseling
- drug education classes
- support group access
- aftercare
Cocaine and crack abuse are part of the larger substance abuse issues plaguing Alaska, which further increases the need for addiction treatment centers and services. The State of Alaska (SOA) continues to improve access and availability of cocaine and crack addiction treatment centers for residents who need help.
List of Alaska Crack & Cocaine Rehab & Detox Centers
Central Peninsula General Hospital/Serenity House Residential Treatment
- Address: 47480 Kristina Way
- City: Kenai
- State: AK
- Zip Code: 99611
- Additional Services That Support The Treatment Process: Detox treatment for cocaine addiction
Cook Inlet Tribal Council Incorporated/Ernie Turner Center
- Address: 4330 Elmore Street
- City: Anchorage
- State: AK
- Zip Code: 99508
- Additional Services That Support The Treatment Process: Detox treatment for cocaine addiction
Rainforest Recovery Center/Bartlett Regional Hospital
- Address: 3250 Hospital Drive
- City: Juneau
- State: AK
- Zip Code: 99801
- Additional Services That Support The Treatment Process: Detox treatment for cocaine addiction