May 14th, 2020
Are We Underestimating the True Number of Opioid Deaths in the US?
The massive scope of the opioid epidemic is difficult to comprehend. In 2018, according to government statistics, more than 69,029 people died from an opioid overdose. That’s approximately 189 people per day. Although that number is shocking, what if the total is actually ...

July 2nd, 2019
Why Children Harm Themselves
Childhood comes with a lot of uncertainty, and as kids grow more aware of the world around them, societal pressures and hormonal changes set in. Children may begin to feel like they have less control over their lives and surroundings, causing confusion and adversity that may be hard to see on ...

May 29th, 2019
Racial Disparities in Addiction Treatment – What You Need to Know
Earlier this month, the University of Michigan published a study in JAMA Psychiatry that put the glaring disparity in access to buprenorphine treatment between the black and white non-Hispanic communities front and center. Among other revelations from the data, it was revealed that white ...

May 23rd, 2019
Confidentiality in Addiction Treatment
In late April of 2019, it became evident that confidential information from nearly 150,000 patients at a Pennsylvania alcohol and drug rehab center were exposed online. A researcher found what turned out to be nearly five million rows of data containing what proved to personally identifiable ...

May 20th, 2019
Addiction in the Workplace – What You Need to Know
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who goes to work every day, you have a direct stake in the physical and mental health of the colleagues and personnel on whom you depend to do your job. You want to know that your colleague, your boss or your subordinate is not only taking care […]

May 14th, 2019
Living with an Addict
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that there are over 24 million Americans that currently meet the criteria for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Most of these people have a group of loved ones and family with whom their relationship has been destroyed ...

April 17th, 2019
Mixing Benzos and Opiates – A Deadly Combination – Know the Risks
Mixing benzodiazepines (benzos) and opioid painkillers are one of the most common and deadly prescription substance abuse behaviors. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that of the more than seventy thousand overdoses that occurred in the United States in 2017, 11,537 involved ...

February 20th, 2019
The Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act (EKRA) – What Treatment Facilities Need to Know
On October 24, 2018, the president signed into law the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act, commonly referred to as the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act. This comprehensive act brings together several key pieces ...

February 12th, 2019
How to quit drugs without rehab. Can you?
Can you quit using drugs without rehab? It may not seem like such a relevant question, but it’s one pondered by thousands of people every day. You could spend hours researching all the different approaches, therapies, and techniques available at rehabs of differing length and locations, ...

February 7th, 2019
How to Clean Your System From Drugs
Perhaps you’d like to be healthier in life, or maybe you have real concerns about your substance use but you’re ready to cleanse your body of dangerous toxins. So now what? Detoxing yourself from alcohol and drugs is not a fast-and-easy process, but it is relatively simple. It ...

January 24th, 2019
Songs About Addiction and Recovery 2018 – 2019
In many respects, 2018 can be considered the “year of recovery,” especially in music and pop culture. As the stigma that has historically surrounded addiction continues to crumble and the condition is being increasingly recognized as a medical disease rather than a moral failing, more and more ...

January 23rd, 2019
Alcohol Detox at Home – Can It Be Done Safely?
While it’s generally advisable for excessive drinkers to detox in a medically supervised setting, those with less history of binge drinking may be able to detox at home under very limited circumstances. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is characterized by the increased dependency on alcohol to feel ...

January 22nd, 2019
How to Cope With a Boyfriend in Rehab
Drug and alcohol addiction threatens every area of a user’s life, especially their romantic relationships. The emotional toll that substance use disorder (SUD) can take on a couple is very often enough to dismantle the relationship for good. The dishonesty, aggression and volatility that comes ...

January 18th, 2019
Top Five Signs You May Have a Drinking Problem
Have you ever questioned whether you have a drinking problem, maybe while suffering from a hangover and regretting too much drinking the night before, or after a senseless drunken fight, or even a DUI arrest? Asking yourself if you have a drinking problem is a big question, and the answer is ...

January 8th, 2019
Tapering Off Drugs: Does It Work? Should You?
Tapering is a common and effective means of cessation for those on a prolonged regimen of prescription drugs. It can also work for those using illicit drugs who are on the cusp of dependency but may not need professional treatment at their current level of use. Tapering involves the gradual and ...

December 28th, 2018
What You Need to Know About the New Opioid, Dsuvia
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a new opioid painkiller that is reported to be 1,000 times more powerful than morphine and up to ten times more powerful than the extremely powerful (and addictive) fentanyl. Dsuvia® is manufactured by AcelRx Pharmaceuticals and is ...