December 9th, 2010

Anti-Depressants and Alcohol are Counter-Productive

Pharmacists don’t put warning labels on anti-depressant bottles screaming “DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHEN TAKING THIS MEDICATION” just for kicks. Many alcoholics who take anxiety and depression medications choose to disregard the warning labels on their prescriptions, drinking their ...

November 22nd, 2010

Does Energy Drink Consumption Lead to Alcoholism?

College students who frequently consume energy drinks are more likely to abuse alcohol, a new research study suggests. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland examined the drinking habits of over 1,000 fourth-year college students. They revealed that students who ...

November 17th, 2010

Four Loko to Remove Caffeine From Formula; Get FDA Warning

They may as well change their name to Loko. In light of Washington and other states banning Four Loko after incidents of hospitalization, Phusion Projects LLC, the makers of Four Loko, have decided to remove caffeine, guarana and taurine from the Four Loko formula. Those are three of the four ...

November 10th, 2010

Four Lokos and other Alcoholic Energy Drinks to be banned in The State of Washington.

In a follow up to the Four Loko blog post published last month, the anti-Alcoholic energy drink has continued to grow. Now, entire states are banning drinks such as Four Loko, with Utah being the first. Other states, such as California, Michigan, and Montana, have banned or provided limited ...

October 25th, 2010

Drunk Driving Mom Uses Child to Fool Sobriety Test

Last week, in La Pêche, Quebec, Nicole Gagnon, a 43-year-old mother of four, was arrested for driving drunk. Her blood alcohol level was more than three times the legal limit. At the time of her arrest, Gagnon was driving with three of her children, aged five, eight and ten. While she did have ...

October 15th, 2010

Energy/Alcoholic "Cocktail" Banned from College.

After an incredible raucous start of the school year that resulted in 23 hospitalizations for alcohol intoxication, New Jersey school Ramapo College has made the decision to ban caffeinated alcoholic beverages. These drinks, such as Four Loko, Sparks, or Joose, comes in 23.5-ounce cans and has ...

October 6th, 2010

Moms Arrested For Hosting Parties with Underage Drinking

This past weekend, two mothers were charged in Bonita Springs after loud parties were reported at their houses. When the police came to the parties, they discovered numerous underage persons partaking in drinking. Lisa Marie Jandura and Stacy Desalvo were both arrested and charged for allowing ...

October 4th, 2010

Higher Alcohol Taxes = Lower Alcohol-Related Deaths and Crime

In light of state elections concerning raising or lowering alcohol taxes, the American Journal of Public Health has recently published a report stating that an increase of the taxes would lower alcoholic crime, illness, and crime rates. Should the states raise these taxes, their populations ...

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