Cocaine Steals Memory Away

February 15th, 2016

Cocaine Steals Memory Away

Cocaine Steals Memory Away Cocaine steals memory away.Even though it sounds like something that may be common sense, it really isn’t. Many people will look at the effects of drugs and alcohol on their lives, but many times, they will choose to pursue the use of them anyways. Because of that, a ...

Detroit’s Attempt at a Bright Future

May 9th, 2014

Detroit’s Attempt at a Bright Future

Despite Detroit's grim present, there's hope for a bright future.

Vancouver’s Crack Pipe Vending Machines

March 3rd, 2014

Vancouver’s Crack Pipe Vending Machines

The Portland Hotel Society (PHS), the group that co-founded North America’s first supervised injection site, Vancouver’s Insite, has launched another harm reduction project in the city: crack pipe vending machines. According to The Globe and Mail, PHS’ Drug Users Resource Center placed two of ...

Research Sheds Light on Cocaine Addiction & DNA

November 20th, 2013

Research Sheds Light on Cocaine Addiction & DNA

Thanks to the concerted efforts by the University of Pennsylvania researchers and rats, more progress has been made in understanding addiction — specifically, cocaine addiction and its genetic effects on the brain across generations. In a study led by Mathieu Wimmer, PhD, the male ...

The Decline of Cocaine Consumption in the United States

August 15th, 2013

The Decline of Cocaine Consumption in the United States

The world's largest cocaine market has been on the decline for three decades.

Can I Get an Ice Cream Coke — I Mean, Cone?

August 7th, 2013

Can I Get an Ice Cream Coke — I Mean, Cone?

An NYC ice cream truck, ran by twenty-year-old part-time student Mina Gatas, offered more than just Klondike bars. Cleverly coined “Operation Snowcone,” a recent police bust uncovered that the driver sold an entirely different kind of “treat” to those in the know: hard narcotics; namely, ...

Cocaine Withdrawal

August 1st, 2013

Cocaine Withdrawal

If you want to quit successfully, you must be ready to face the difficult withdrawal process.

Mummified Inca Children Reveal Dark, Drug-Filled Secrets

July 31st, 2013

Mummified Inca Children Reveal Dark, Drug-Filled Secrets

In 1999, archaeologists made a startling discovery. On the summit of Llullaillaco, a volcano in Argentina, three young mummies were discovered within a shrine more than 20,000 feet above sea level. Half a millennia later, scientists discover that the “world’s most-well preserved” mummies were ...

Epilepsy Drug Shown to Reduce Cocaine Dependence, Penn Study Reports

July 18th, 2013

Epilepsy Drug Shown to Reduce Cocaine Dependence, Penn Study Reports

Research completed in late June by a team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania shows a prospective new use for the drug topiramate, an anticonvulsant drug used to treat epilepsy.

Kings of Cocaine: The Colombian Drug Cartels

July 12th, 2013

Kings of Cocaine: The Colombian Drug Cartels

How did the Colombian Cartels rise to power?

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (Allegedly) Videotaped Smoking Crack

May 21st, 2013

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (Allegedly) Videotaped Smoking Crack

 Ever hear the story about the mayor who got caught on videotape smoking crack? The name Marion Barry should ring a bell. In 1990, at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, FBI agents procured a video of Barry, then the mayor of Washington, D.C., smoking crack in a hotel room. Last week, ...

How to Quit Cocaine

January 30th, 2011

How to Quit Cocaine

Cocaine is a viciously addictive substance that can lead to dangerous outcomes.

Levamisole: A Dangerous New Cutting Agent

January 30th, 2011

Levamisole: A Dangerous New Cutting Agent

A frightening new cutting agent is springing up nationwide, making its way into batches of cocaine.

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