Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Beaumont, Texas (6)
Data obtained from the N-SSATS and the TEDS for SAMHSA with respect to the state of Texas, including Beaumont, TX, show that there were totally 34,099 people in treatment centers during a one-day census taken in 2006. Among these, 28,311, forming 83%, were in the outpatient program, with 3,536 of them, forming 11%, found to be below the age of 18 years. The reports also indicate the drug mentioned at the time of admissions and the reports over the fourteen years from 1992 to 2006 show that there has been a very strong decline in admissions with respect to cocaine and alcohol, but an increase in those mentioning methamphetamine, which accounted for nearly 18.5% of admissions in the year 2005.
Our directory listings offer a comprehensive list of rehab centers that are located in Beaumont, TX, and also nearby in all other locations of the state. If you know someone in need of detox, therapy, counseling and other types of assistance programs for addictions, these listings can be of immense help to them to find a suitable program nearby. All the centers we list have licensed physicians, psychiatrists, social workers and staff who are capable of helping those with such drug or alcohol addictions. In case you need a residential program, they have medically supervised detox and group therapy programs to assist the patient in dealing with complex effects of chemical dependency.