Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Conyers, Georgia (7)
Estimates related to Substance Abuse in case of different age groups of the population, was released by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, for several measures. Though the state stands low for the use of Marijuana when compared to national rates for all age groups, the use of cocaine for ages 12 to 17 years is among the top states of the country in the years surveyed. The N-SSATS and TEDS data also showed that 11% of the treatment admissions for a single day census in 2006 survey were below the age of 18 years. The number of admissions related to cocaine and alcohol had declined across the 18 years surveyed, but those for methamphetamine abuse had increased, contributing to 18.5% of the total admissions.
For those undergoing any drug-related or alcohol-related problems in Conyers, Galveston, TX, there are several drug rehabilitation centers available for helping you control your addiction. Our directory listings of rehab centers in and around Conyers, Galveston, TX, offer various programs, such as inpatient residential and outpatient ones. Programs are designed with various approaches, including counseling, both individual and group; behavioral therapy and motivation therapies, along with stress and anger management. Self-esteem is developed and a support system is provided to cope with temptation and prevent relapses from occurring.
List Of Conyers, Georgia Addiction Treatment Facilities
Epiphany Center
- Address: 1775 Parker Road SE
- Address: Building C, Suite 210
- City: Conyers
- State: GA
- Zip Code: 30094-6676