Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Hazard, Kentucky (6)
List Of Hazard, Kentucky Addiction Treatment Facilities
An estimated 17,184 people were living in Hazard, Kentucky in 2009. 7,733 do not consume alcohol while 4,468 consume alcohol at least once in a week. However, 4,124 people in Hazard consume an unlimited amount of alcohol. According to Drug Dependence Statistics in Kentucky, there are 1598 individuals in Hazard that are under illicit drug consumption. 253 individuals are alcohol addicts plus other substances. Marijuana follows with 241 addicts in Hazard, 203 are relying on or abuse heroin, cocaine (crack) has 142 while cocaine powder carries 48 individuals. At the same time, USENODRUG researchers found 51 people abusing Opiates, 3 addicts of tranquilizers and 123 people using stimulants.
The city is receiving more and more reports of increased addicts which can be proved by the high numbers of admissions made in local alcohol and drug treatment facilities. It is, however, advisable that we have these institutions for they will help curb the problem. If more large numbers are admitted in these institutions, there will be limited deaths in Kentucky. Addicts are known to be a danger to other people and even worse themselves. Therefore, anyone with a relative or close person addicted to any type of drug should call for help as soon as possible.