Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Plainfield, New Jersey (5)
List Of Plainfield, New Jersey Addiction Treatment Facilities
CenterPath Wellness/Addiction Services
- Address: 117-119 Roosevelt Avenue
- City: Plainfield
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07060
CenterPath Wellness
- Address: 117-119 Roosevelt Avenue
- City: Plainfield
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07060
Confidential Behavioral Care
- Address: 1010 Park Avenue
- City: Plainfield
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07060
Organization for Recovery Incorporated
- Address: 519 North Avenue
- City: Plainfield
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07060
- Address: 313 East Front Street
- City: Plainfield
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07060
The N-SSATS and TEDS report for New Jersey inclusive of Plainfield, NJ, show that there were totally 30,106 patients in treatment during a one-day census in 2006. The estimates also show that out of these 89% were in the outpatient category and 7%, constituting 2,111 were in the outpatient category. The reports also show the drugs related to the admissions. It mentions that throughout the past fifteen years from 1992 to 200y, there has been a decrease in the number of admissions related to cocaine or alcohol. However, the number of admissions mentioning abuses of heroin and marijuana has been on the increase.
If you or someone you know is in need of treatment and help for addiction to drugs or alcohol, you can look through our directory listings of rehab centers in and around Plainfield, NJ. They offer different types of treatment, as they understand that each person’s need is different. It takes a lot of courage and strength to take up such help for addiction, whether it is an addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs or marijuana, cocaine and so on. No matter how bad your addiction and no matter how useless or powerless you feel, do not give up, as help is available at hand. You do not have to wait till the situation hits rock bottom, as recovery is surely round the corner if you access a good rehab center today.