Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Plano, Texas (7)
Considering the number of adolescents who were abusing drugs or alcohol in the state and in Plano, TX, it was seen from estimates offered by the Office of Applied Studies, through the TEDS and N-SSATS reports, that the most commonly abused drug in the state was marijuana. It was seen that approximately 184,000 adolescents, forming 8.9% of the total number of 2,061,000 adolescents living in the state, had abused some type of illicit drug during the studied period. Of these, 5.6%, which is 116,000 adolescents, had used marijuana and 5.2%, which is 107,000, had abused some other illicit drug.
If you are living in Plano, TX, and are in need of help for yourself or for someone you love who is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, help is near at hand. Our directory listings offer you different options for getting help near your location and also all over the state. Therapists and medical professionals can offer the right treatment as well as support and encouragement even after the program is over, so that you don’t fall into the patterns that first caused the addiction. Support groups and counseling session deals with the basic problem causing the addiction, apart from medical support and detoxification measures to deal with the problem effectively and achieve the goal of sobriety.