Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Union, Missouri (6)
The NSDUH statistics presented for the SAMHSA website shows the alcohol and drug dependence rates among adolescents and adults in the state and also in Union, MO to be above the national average. The rates of abuse for drugs and alcohol was almost the same for men and women, with 25,000 male adolescents and 21,000 female adolescents dependent on them, for the period from 2003 to 2006. In case of abuse of alcohol alone, the rates were higher among females, with 6.0% adolescents using alcohol as against 5.4% of male adolescents.
Drug addiction is a problem that is very difficult to overcome on one’s own. If you know someone who is in trouble, ask them to refer to our directory listings of rehab centers in and around your place in Union, MO. Drug or alcohol addiction can pose a very complex problem and it requires professional help that is available at these rehab centers. Even a very strong-willed person will find it very difficult to cope with the problem alone and needs a professional and appropriate recovery program. The reason for this is that the addiction actually affects the functioning of the brain and creates changes in the brain to make the person a compulsive addict.