January 25th, 2011
E Cigarettes According to Professor Brad Rodu
As E Cigarettes become a more prevalent alternative to smoking, we sought out expert in the field of tobacco products Brad Rodu, to shed some light on the matter. As well as being a well qualified expert in his feild, Brad runs Tobacco Truth, an interesting blog based on scientific studies and ...
January 25th, 2011
Interview With an Expert on Video Game Addiction
Video Games are everywhere. Not too long ago, video games were reserved for a niche audience, but the pastime has evolved into a mainstream media giant with story lines and graphics rivaling Hollywood CG films. The rise of video games has grown, hand in hand, with the rise in video game ...
January 24th, 2011
Interview with a Sexual Addiction Recovery Specialist
Sex addiction is an increasingly prevalent addiction in our society, an addiction just as capable at ruining lives as serious drug addiction. To learn more, we contacted Chad over at Kick Sex Addiction for an interview. Chad runs a support group in Chicago, and along with a community of other ...
January 21st, 2011
Cocaine Vaccine Succesful on Mice
Could we be near a cocaine vaccine? It seems so according to a study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The researchers have given this vaccine to mice and it has proven to be both safe and long lasting. “Our very dramatic data shows that we can protect mice against the ...
January 18th, 2011
Interview with Angela Barrus on Hypnotherapy and Quitting Smoking
For many smokers, traditionally methods of quitting smoking just don’t seem to work, however the practise of hypnotherapy has garnered success where other methods have failed. We tracked down licensed hypnotherapist Angela Barrus to learn more about this method, how it works, and who should ...
January 18th, 2011
Interview with Rudy from Quit Smoking For Good Blog
Recently, we talked with Rudy who runs the blog http://smokersblog.org/. He was 12 years old when he first started smoking, and continued from that moment to smoke for 22 years. He decided to quit in September of 2006, however the he relapsed in December 2008 and again in July 2009. This is ...
January 17th, 2011
Drug Ring Charged with Distributing 1 Ton of Marijuana
A Rockland County drug trafficking ring, referred to as the “Foote Organization”, has been indited for the distribution of 1 ton of marijuana, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced on the 13th of January. The ring consisted of 26 members, all named in the DEA’s report. The DEA alleged ...
January 11th, 2011
Interview with Mexico Drug War expert Sylvia Longmire
After reading an especially disturbing news piece on drug related decapitations in Acapulco, Mexico, we here at AllTreatment.com decided it was time to talk to an expert about the violence in Mexico, the Drug Cartels, how that affects us here in the US, and what we can possibly do to help the ...
January 11th, 2011
Homeless Ex-Drug Addict Sweeps the Nation with "Golden Voice"
A majestic voice and a little internet success helped turn around the life of Ted Williams. Once a successful radio announcer, Williams became heavily involved with drugs and alcohol, leading him to live in a tent near a highway and beg for change on the streets. His talents went to waste, ...
January 10th, 2011
Meth Tracking Laws Backfire
Tracking systems designed to curb the flow of meth on the streets seems to have severely backfired, according to a report by the Associated Press. The system tracked the sales of pseudoephedrine, a cold medicine used to make meth. The idea was that limiting the amount of the drug sold over ...
January 5th, 2011
Vaccine Containing Cold Virus May Help Recovering Cocaine Addicts
A recent study involving mice shows that a vaccine created from a segment of the common cold virus along with a cocaine-like molecule removes the high from cocaine. This vaccine awaits testing in humans and holds hope for struggling addicts. The treatment essentially trains the immune system to ...
January 4th, 2011
Michele M. Leonhart Newly Appointed DEA Administrator
The US Senate has recently appointed Michele M. Leonhart as the new Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration through a unanimous vote. She will be the DEAs first female agent to lead in this capacity. It’s fairly clear that she has some tough issues to tackle, which she ...
December 10th, 2010
New Drug approved to fight Obesity
It has been a difficult year for diet drugs. October saw the Food and Drug Administration banning two weight loss-drugs, lorcaserin and Qnexa, due to possible links with cancer and heart problems. However, this week an FDA panel gave the approval for a new drug, Contrave, in the fight against ...
December 9th, 2010
Anti-Depressants and Alcohol are Counter-Productive
Pharmacists don’t put warning labels on anti-depressant bottles screaming “DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHEN TAKING THIS MEDICATION” just for kicks. Many alcoholics who take anxiety and depression medications choose to disregard the warning labels on their prescriptions, drinking their ...
December 6th, 2010
Sugar Addiction Shares Similarities with Illegal Drugs
Sugar is likely the most socially acceptable addictive substance in the world. While not nearly as harmful as other common drugs of abuse, sugar triggers natural opiates to which the brain becomes addicted over time. It generates reward signals that are sent to the brain, leaving the user ...
November 30th, 2010
Long-Term Consequences of Drug Abuse More Severe in Adolescents
Teenagers who abuse drugs may face more severe long-term consequences later in life than adult drug abusers. The effects of high doses of amphetamine on rats at different ages were studied by Joshua Gulley, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Illinois. When rats experienced ...