What Does it Take to Decide to Stop?

December 11th, 2014
If you are addicted to drugs then you probably know that just wanting to stop isn’t enough to make it happen. Just the fact that you are willing to use the word addiction means you have awareness that there is some kind of dependence on the substance that you don’t have the skills to undo. Using drugs helped to create the problem, but there was a lot more that contributed to creating a full scale addiction. When you think of it in this way, it becomes easy to see why the best chance you have for success in giving up drugs is to enter a treatment center.
What happens in a drug treatment center?
Just about every drug treatment center follows the same basic plan. The first step is to detox you from the actual drug. This means monitoring your vital signs, giving you medication as needed to ease any discomfort, and giving you a calm and stable environment in which to begin to get your mind and health back.
The Treatment Team
You will be helped along the way by a treatment team of doctors, nurses, counselors and drug addiction specialists . They will help you to gain confidence in your new and sober life, and help you build up support outside of treatment to ensure success.