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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Lakewood, California (2)

List Of Lakewood, California Addiction Treatment Facilities

Positive Steps Incorporated

  • Address: 5230 North Clark Avenue
  • Address: Suite 18
  • City: Lakewood
  • State: CA
  • Zip Code: 90712
Learn More About This Rehab

Lakewood is a home to an estimated 80,000 people and nearly 27% of the population is below 18 years of age. Naturally, given these figures, it is important to educate the public on addiction and the resulting problems. More importantly, they need to understand that help, in the form of rehab centers, is available 24*7. There are close to 2000 people consuming Marijuana in this region and more than 50% of them are youth. Substance abuse is quite popular amongst the younger generation and it usually starts with Cigarette smoking, which later on leads to Marijuana addiction. More often than not, it will lead to addiction of other forms of drugs as well. It is about time we realize the seriousness of the matter and get this eradicated from the society. It is better to be mentally and physically competent at an early age for a bright future.

You can help the youth of Lakewood to leave drug addiction and help them deal with their issues. Check out our website. You can show them the path towards Lakewood Drug Admissions in one of the many Lakewood Drug Rehab Centers of the city. Our website will also provide details on various health risks associated with consuming Marijuana, behavioral issues that stem from long-term substance abuse and other information, which can help motivate the patient to quit this habit forever.

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(269) 234-2715