Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Norwalk, California (1)
List Of Norwalk, California Addiction Treatment Facilities
A report from the Office of Applied Studies (2003 – 2006), SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration), showed that the rate of alcohol use and abuse among the adolescents in California were very alarming. 317,000 (9.8 percent) of the adolescents engaged in binge drinking, and 509,000 (15.7 percent) of the adolescents used alcohol within the past month before which the survey was conducted. Binge drinking is having five or more drinks on a specific occasion in a single day during a period of 30 days. The binge drinking and the alcohol usage rates were almost the same among the male and female adolescents. The report showed that 16.6 percent of females and 14.7 percent of males were currently using alcohol; 10.7 percent of females and 9.5 percent of males were engaged in binge drinking in the month prior to the interview. The tobacco uses among the adolescents were 11.2 percent among the males and 9 percent among the females. Of which, 8.1 of females and 8.3 percent of males used cigarettes.
Family and friends are the ones who can help the addicted individuals to get out of their self-destructive habits. Find the best Norwalk Drug rehab facility from the comprehensive list of facilities provided in our website and take the first step to change their future.