Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Norcross, Georgia (4)
List Of Norcross, Georgia Addiction Treatment Facilities
In its metro brief for the Galveston County located within the Houston, Sugarland, Baytown MSA area, in Texas, the NSDUH reports an average of 490,000 people around the age of 12 and above using illicit drugs. Moreover, the rate of marijuana use during the studied period was 7.9%, similar to the rate in Texas, with the rate of non-prescription pain relievers being 3.9%. These were the figures presented for SAMHSA for the period 2005 to 2010. The survey was done by obtaining answers to questionnaires to samples of the population along with face-to-face interviews by the NSDUH, sponsored by SAMHSA’s center for behavioral health.
Drug or alcohol addiction can affect the entire family and weaken and deteriorate social relationship. It could also lead to loss of jobs, neglect of children, the disarray of your finances, hospitalization and even legal hassles, interfering with your health, family, and job as well as your social life. When you find yourself unable to control your addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is time to find the best rehab center from our directory listings of options near Norcross, Galveston in Texas. The centers are conveniently located near you and you are sure to be treated with the dignity and the respect you deserve to help you lead a healthier and happier life free from dependency.