Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Rockford, Illinois (13)
Reports for drug abuse related to adolescents in Illinois State have been obtained from the Office of Applied Studies, a component of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, for the ages 12 to 17 years. The report shows 104,000 adolescents of the state having used some illicit drug during the surveyed period, with 70,000 having used marijuana and 49,000 some other drugs. 17.2% of the adolescents (189,000) had used alcohol and 115,000 of them had been involved in binge drinking during the period surveyed. In addition 4.8% of adolescent males and 3.6% of females needed treatment but did not receive it.
If you need help in Rockford, IL, it is easy to find the most suitable program and rehab center to treat your addiction from our directory listings of centers in and around Rockford, IL. The professionals at these centers can help you achieve improved health and quality of life, by addressing your problems related to alcohol or to any other drugs. There are both residential and non-residential settings available, with different levels and intensity of treatment programs, according to individual needs. The programs are structured and given in a supervised environment, with detoxification and supportive counseling offered towards a lasting recovery.