Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Waukegan, Illinois (10)
Statistics from the Office of Applied Studies in SAMHSA show that about 10.8 million adolescents aged 12 to 20 constituting about 28.3% of the adolescent population, admitted to drinking alcohol during the studied period. From these, 7.2 million were binge drinkers and 2.4 million admitted to heavy drinking, during the 2002 survey. Most of the adolescents from age 12 and above stated that they received prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers and sedatives from friends or relatives, who obtained it through a doctor. 6.7% of the teenagers used marijuana and 2.9% abused prescription drugs, causing increased concern related to Waukegan drug admissions.
If you are experiencing drug or alcohol addiction problems, this is a good time to access our website and learn more about the drug rehab centers we have listed for offering help with Waukegan drug admissions. The centers also treat the withdrawal symptoms that you might experience after detoxification. Over the years, you might have developed tolerance to drugs, such as heroin, cocaine among others. This would have resulted in increased craving (for the drug), to obtain the same high and opting for abrupt detox measures can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. You need help to come back to normal functioning. The services listed in our directory can help you or someone you love with these and other drug related problems.