Kansas Marijuana Rehab & Treatment Centers (171)
List of Kansas Marijuana (Weed) Addiction Treatment Centers
A Clear Direction/Wichita
- Address: 162 North Hillside Street
- City: Wichita
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67214-4919
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
A New Dimension Incorporated
- Address: 2422 South Seneca Street
- Address: Suite A
- City: Wichita
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67217
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
ABC Health Group/Matrix Center/Wichita
- Address: 9918 East Harry Street
- City: Wichita
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67207
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Accredited Addiction Recovery Services
- Address: 6505 East Frontage Road
- Address: Suite 5
- City: Mission
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66202
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Addiction Counseling Education/Information Services (ACEIS)
- Address: 8600 West 95th Street
- Address: Suitez 104-7
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Addiction Recovery Counseling Services
- Address: 120 East 5th Avenue
- City: Augusta
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67010
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Addiction Stress Center/Kansas City
- Address: 1225 North 78th Street
- Address: Suite J
- City: Kansas City
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66112-2401
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Addiction Treatment Services/Overland Park
- Address: 10200 West 75th Street
- Address: Suite 113
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66204
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Affordable Treatment Program/Lenexa
- Address: 13830 Santa Fe Trail Drive
- Address: Suite 106
- City: Lenexa
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66215-3381
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Agape Christian Counseling
- Address: 8645 College Boulevard
- Address: Suite 270
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66210
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Alcohol Safety Action Project
- Address: 707 Minnesota Avenue
- Address: Suite M-6
- City: Kansas City
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66101
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Alpha Recovery LLC/Lawrence
- Address: 5040 Bob Billings Parkway
- Address: Suite B
- City: Lawrence
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66049
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
AppleCore Outpatient Treatment/Olathe
- Address: 226 South Kansas Avenue
- City: Olathe
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66061
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
- Address: 600 Thomas Avenue
- Address: Building 198
- City: Fort Leavenworth
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66027
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
- Address: 2604 West 9th Street North
- Address: Building 200, Suite A
- City: Wichita
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67203
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
Ashby House
- Address: 153 South 8th Street
- City: Salina
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 67401
- Type Of Treatment Provided: Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
According to the National Substance Abuse Index, out of all 14,133-rehabilitation admission in Kansas, 3,477 of those were for marijuana. Many of these admissions were teenagers. In Kansas, teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 are the largest admissions to rehabilitation facilities for marijuana addiction. The majority of people who accessed drug rehabilitation services for marijuana use are male (71.5%) according to the National Substance Abuse Index. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that approximately 10.13% of people 12 years or older use marijuana. Marijuana is the most common illicit drug that teens use in recent years.
Adolescence, usually ages 12-17 years, is an important time for physical and mental development for both males and females. Any drug use may be harmful during these years. According to the University of Washington's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI), marijuana use during these formative years may lead to a number of developmental and social problems. In particular, memory, attention, and learning may be affected leading to poorer academic performance. It may also influence social behaviors and a teenager addicted to marijuana may develop problematic social behaviors. If you are concerned that a teenager or anyone else in your life may have a problem with marijuana use, please have a look at our website for centers, which are able to help those experiencing addiction, or those who are at risk of addiction.