Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Newton, Kansas (4)
List Of Newton, Kansas Addiction Treatment Facilities
Substance abuse treatment data from the N-SSATS and TEDS in their report for SAMHSA show that the state showed a total of 10,470 individuals in treatment during a one-day census, in the year 2006. Of these, 9,578 individuals, comprising 91% of those admitted were in the outpatient category and 1,488 individuals, comprising 14% of the total admitted, were below 18 years of age. Cocaine and meth is readily available throughout the state and in Newton, KS, with several ethnic groups being involved in the distribution all over the state. Low purity heroin is also available from Mexico, most of the black tar type. However, the drug of primary concern in the state is methamphetamine, which is smuggled into the state by Hispanic groups.
If you need drug treatment in Newton, KS, your best chances for recovery from addiction would be to contact our directory listings of rehab centers near you. Drug abuse among adolescents is also becoming a major problem, leading to physical, psychological, social, economic and legal problems. It leads to family dysfunction, with many adolescents becoming victim to violence and injury. The idea of entering a drug rehab center can be daunting in the beginning, but this can be the greatest gift that you can give yourself to lead a happy and healthy life.