Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Overland Park, Kansas (16)
List Of Overland Park, Kansas Addiction Treatment Facilities
Addiction Counseling Education/Information Services (ACEIS)
- Address: 8600 West 95th Street
- Address: Suitez 104-7
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Addiction Treatment Services/Overland Park
- Address: 10200 West 75th Street
- Address: Suite 113
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66204
Agape Christian Counseling
- Address: 8645 College Boulevard
- Address: Suite 270
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66210
Associates at Hope Harbor Outpatient
- Address: 10201 West 127th Street
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Awakenings KC
- Address: 5300 West 94th Terrace
- Address: Suite 200
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66207-2504
Bridge Way Recovery/Overland Park
- Address: 6331 West 110th Street
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66211
Challenges Incorporated/Overland Park
- Address: 10540 Barkley Street
- Address: Suite 269
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Clinical Associates PA
- Address: 8629 Bluejacket Street
- Address: Suite 100
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66214
Confidential Mental Health Substance Abuse/Consultation Service LLC
- Address: 8600 West 95th Street
- Address: Suite 105
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Doolittle and Harrington Healthcare
- Address: 10560 Barkley Street
- Address: Suite 340
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Marillac/IMPACT/Overland Park
- Address: 8000 West 127th Street
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66213
MARS Consulting/Overland Park
- Address: 8100 Marty Street
- Address: Lower Level
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66204
Mill Creek Outpatient Services
- Address: 8787 Ballentine Street
- Address: Suite 1200
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66214
Shawnee Mission Medical Center/Addiction Recovery Track
- Address: 9100 West 74th Street
- Address: Unit 6
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66204
Valley Hope/Overland Park
- Address: 10114 West 105th Street
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212-5746
We Care HCBS/Alcohol and Drug Education
- Address: 8600 West 95th Street
- Address: Suite 104-4
- City: Overland Park
- State: KS
- Zip Code: 66212
Meth is the major drug concern in Overland Park, a suburb of Kansas City in Kansas State. Meth is produced domestically as well as imported leading to increased drug and substance abuse in Overland Park. There is also the wide availability of crack cocaine, as the area is a major transshipment point to transport drugs to the eastern parts of the US. A lot of violent crime has also been associated with use of cocaine and low purity Mexican heroin, known as black tar heroin with increasing interstate transportation in the highways. The N-SSATS and TEDS report in the SAMHSA website shows that for the year 2006, there were totally 10,470 clients in the drug rehab centers of the state and out of these, 91% (9578) were in the outpatient category with 1488 or 14% below the age of 18.
Across the fifteen years studied, it was also noted that the largest increase in admissions is related to methamphetamine, which has risen from 3% in 1992 to about 25% in the year 2006. If you or someone you know is in need of more information on drug treatment options in Overland Park, access our listings of drug rehab centers in the Johnson County of Kansas to address the problem. Drug addiction leads to a lot of human, social and economic suffering and is matters of grave concern for the society. You can do your bit by getting the concerned person the required and timely help with our directory of listed services.