Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Pikeville, Kentucky (5)
On an average, 2.4 million American take cocaine regularly. Of this number, a lot of them reside in Pikeville alone. As per statistics found from reliable sources, there has been a little decline in the drug addiction numbers in this part of Kentucky. Although, the decline hasn’t been huge and it is estimated to be approximately 1 percent, yet it sparks hope for improvement. Marijuana still tops the list for being the most abused drug and one can find a lot of drug addicts losing their precious lives because of their addiction trouble. When you look at the drug statistics, you will find that it is people in the age range of 18 to 21 that mainly comprises of the largest group of addicts.
There are a lot of rehab centers that have come up in Pikeville. Owing to the bets holistic form of treatment for drug abuse, one could see some improvements in Kentucky. Yet, there are a lot of addicts who still refuse to join a rehab center and their problems are bound to worsen. Drugs are still available easily in various pubs and bars. Even in schools, one can find students getting addicted to even meth and cocaine along with marijuana.