Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Lawrence, Massachusetts (4)
List Of Lawrence, Massachusetts Addiction Treatment Facilities
The report from the office of Applied Studies for SAMHSA gives figures related to drug problems in the state among adolescents. During the studied period, there were around 68,000 adolescents in the state who had used illicit drugs, with 54,000 of them having used marijuana and 26,000 some other illicit drugs. Apart from this, 18,000 adolescent males and 20,000 adolescent women had used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes during the previous year.
If you know someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol in your neighborhood, you can assist them by letting them know of our directory listings of rehab centers in and around Lawrence, MA. Location is a very important factor to consider while looking for a good rehab center. In some cases, a faraway center might work very well, as it will allow the person to recover without any external influences and any other painful memories present at home associated with their addiction and pain. On the other hand, a rehab center close to your home can enable continued support from the addict’s friends and family. Select a rehab center suitable for your needs and get ready for a clean and healthy life free from drugs and alcohol.