Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Worcester, Massachusetts (25)
List Of Worcester, Massachusetts Addiction Treatment Facilities
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There are about 8,331 users of marijuana, 3,648 people who abuse prescription drugs, 1,365 addicted to cocaine, 619 users of hallucinogens, 348 people who use inhalants and 77 addicted to heroin in Worcester, Massachusetts, as revealed by the latest statistics. Worcester, the second largest city in the state, is plagued by the issues of drug abuse and alcoholism. According to a survey carried out by local health authorities, about 19% of the population of Worcester is affected by alcoholism, 80% of the crimes happening in Worcester are drug related and 30% of road accidents are due to drunken driving. The rate of death per 100,000 populations in the year 2008 due to drug overdose and due to non-medical use of opioid pain relievers is 7.2.
Worcester drug rehab centers provide assistance to the residents of Worcester by promoting awareness about the risk factors associated with the issue of drug abuse as well as provide treatment to help the addicts to overcome the addiction. Our website contains a directory of these treatment centers along with the contact details and also includes the treatment programs offered. Post-treatment care is equally important to help the treated individual to abstain from relapsing into the previous state.