Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Salisbury, Maryland (12)
List Of Salisbury, Maryland Addiction Treatment Facilities
Approximately 1,145 people are addicted to marijuana, 501 abuse prescription drugs, 187 are addicted to cocaine, 85 use hallucinogens, 41 are addicted to inhalants and 10 are heroin addicts among the people who live in Salisbury, Maryland, according to statistics published. Certain disturbing issues prevalent among the youth, which constitutes about 60% of the population which is below the age of 40 in the city, comprise alcoholism and drug abuse. Statistics reveal that Salisbury drug admissions are mostly recorded for the abuse of heroin, followed by abuse of prescription drugs. Other drugs which are abused include cocaine, cocaine crack, methamphetamines, and party drugs like LSD, MDMA etc. The survey conducted by SAMHSA revealed that the rate of death per 100,000 populations in 2008 due to drug overdose or non-medical use of opioid pain relievers was 11.9.
Salisbury drug rehab centers provide the timely treatment options to those who want to get rid of their addiction once and for all. Various long-term and short-term treatment options are available which are decided upon by specialists after assessing the patient completely. After treatment support and care is also provided to prevent relapse. Our website carries comprehensive information regarding the treatment methods and the panel of specialists and therapists associated with each rehab center in and around Salisbury. This can prove to be of assistance in choosing the best treatment program for your family member or friend.