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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Saint Louis, Michigan (1)

List Of Saint Louis, Michigan Addiction Treatment Facilities

Recovery Unlimited Counseling Services

  • Address: 214 West Saginaw Street
  • Address: P.O. Box 279
  • City: Saint Louis
  • State: MI
  • Zip Code: 48880
Learn More About This Rehab

Saint Louis is a beautiful city in the state of Michigan with more than 7,482 people according to the 2010 census estimate. According to the N-SSATS survey in 2006, there were more than 45,290 patients received the treatment for substance use disorders out of which 7 percentage (3,415) of them were below the age 18. A combined statistical report of the year 2003 to 2006 by NSDUH as published in SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration) reveal that 11.4 percent (103,000) of the 902,000 adolescence in the State of Michigan were using illicit drugs. 8.1 percent (73,000) of the adolescence used marijuana and 5.9 percentages (53,000) of them used drugs other than marijuana. The drugs that are considered illicit include cocaine, heroin, inhalants, hashish, hallucinogens, or any other types of prescription drugs that were used non- medically.

Saint Louis Drug Problems can be treated through the multitude of treatment centers that offers specialized services for alcohol addiction, marijuana addiction and addiction to other drugs such as meth, cocaine, crack, and heroin. You can browse through the comprehensive list of Saint Louis Rehab centers and can select the best type of addiction treatment which is essential for a complete physical and mental recovery.

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