Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Morristown, New Jersey (9)
List Of Morristown, New Jersey Addiction Treatment Facilities
Alfre Incorporated/DBA Mrs Wilsons
- Address: 56 Mount Kemble Avenue
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960
Atlantic Behavioral Health/Chemical Dependency Outpatient Service
- Address: 95 Mount Kemble Avenue
- Address: 6th Floor
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07962
Atlantic Behavioral Health Morristown/Memorial Hospital Outpt Addictive Service
- Address: 95 Mount Kemble Avenue
- Address: 6th Floor
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07962
Herbert Goodfriend LCSW LCADC
- Address: 24 Elm Street
- Address: Suite 6
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960-8802
Market Street Mission/Life Change Recovery Program
- Address: 9 Market Street
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960-5122
Mrs Wilsons Halfway House
- Address: 56 Mount Kemble Avenue
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960
People Helping People in Need
- Address: 23 Clyde Potts Drive
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960
Therapy Resources of Morris County LLC
- Address: 6 Dumont Place
- Address: 1st Floor
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960-4179
Thought Exchange/Center for Personal Achievement
- Address: 150-152 Speedwell Avenue
- City: Morristown
- State: NJ
- Zip Code: 07960
National surveys conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, NSDUH, show that the rates of risk perception regarding the use of marijuana was the same between adolescent females and males. The most common substance of abuse in the state and also in Morristown, NJ, was marijuana. The NSDUH reports for the years 2003 to 2006 showed that 9.9% of adolescents had used illicit drugs during the studied period in New Jersey, with 7.3% of them having used marijuana and 4.5% having used some other illicit drugs. Adolescent females were also seen to be more likely to use illicit drugs when compared with adolescent males.
If you think you or someone you love is in need of treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, it is time to seek help from our directory listings of rehab centers in and around Morristown, NJ. There are many such centers where you can turn for help and they offer medically supervised detox in the first place. The level of care that you need, the kind of program, such as short term, long term, residential, outpatient, will however depend on your age, sex, drug use history and several other medical as well as psychiatric conditions. Professionals, consisting of a team of doctors and psychologists, offer treatment services at these rehab centers. In addition, there are also many social workers along with counselors who will support you throughout the treatment.