Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Paterson, New Jersey (12)
List Of Paterson, New Jersey Addiction Treatment Facilities
Evas Kitchen and Sheltering Program Incorporated/Halfway House for Women
Learn More About This RehabSubstance Abuse data obtained from the N-SSATS and the TEDS or Treatment Episode Data Set offer estimates regarding annual admissions related to drugs or alcohol. Reports offered for SAMHSA from these sources showed that there were totally 30,106 people admitted in a one-day census in New Jersey, including Paterson, NJ. Of these, 26,699 were in the outpatient category and 2,111 were below the age of 18 years. The adolescent males in this total number of admissions were 8,605, forming 79.2% of the admissions. Out of these, 41.4% of the male admissions were related to drug problems and 55.4% were related to alcohol as well as drug combined problems, with 2.7% related to only alcohol problems.
Those who are undergoing problems with alcohol or drug addiction and are not able to overcome it by themselves can take help from our directory listings of rehab centers in and around Paterson, NJ. You can choose from different types of programs, according to the type of addiction and the duration, your age, gender and so on. After the program is over, you can also consider moving into a sober home, where you will get a safe and supportive environment, while recovering from addiction. This is also a good option, especially if you don’t have a proper home or a drug free environment to return to after the program, as this will protect you from a relapse to the old ways.