Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Columbus, Ohio (36)
List Of Columbus, Ohio Addiction Treatment Facilities
The year 2005 had 55.5% of teens using marijuana at least once or twice a week. There was however a decrease in the use of marijuana between 2002 and 2005 with a drop from 20.6% to 17.4% usage. The past year indicated a decline to 13.3% from 15.8%. Looking at the city of Columbus, research conducted by USNODRUGS website, late in 2013, indicated that at least 16% of residents had used marijuana. 4% are completely dependent on the drug and 2% on alcohol. As always, residents will definitely have reasons as to why they got involved in drugs in Columbus and 3% admitted that the ready availability of all types of drugs was their motivation and it soon turned into a strong addiction. Ohio generally has an increase of 440% of overdose deaths from 1999 to 2011 according to the Ohio Department of Health. Both medical and loss costs added up to $1.9 billion approximately while non-fatal drug poisoning costs a higher 40 billion dollars.
To address this problem, Ohio is working hand in hand with Columbus Drug and alcohol treatment facilities, educating users on dangers of such illicit drugs as well as non-medical prescription drugs. We are also here to help you locate these facilities for you and your relatives; hence, contact us.