Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Toledo, Ohio (10)
List Of Toledo, Ohio Addiction Treatment Facilities
Ohio was one of the top ten states for rates in drug use, which includes non-medical use of pain relievers in the past year among individuals of 18 to 25 years. This comes hand in hand with illicit drug use from the same age group, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Based on a report provided by EPIC-NSS, the number of meth lab seizure incidents inclined to 83% in Ohio, which was 167 reported cases in 2007 higher to 305% cases in 2009. 8% of residents in the state are on illicit drug use, which is due to easy illicit drug entry especially heroin and marijuana. Ohio is known to have a higher rate of drug induced deaths than that of the whole country.
In 2002, 50% of drug users ended up being heroin addicts due to internal compulsions. They would turn to the drug as it well eased their pain in regard to cash and speed. The city of Toledo has 12% of residents using marijuana and 25% prescription drugs. Meth and ecstasy has 4%. This explains the urgent need of rehab facilities in the city. Contact us now so we may help you find your way to Toledo centers and medical facilities.