Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Enid, Oklahoma (6)
Enid is a city in Oklahoma affected by drug problems. The number of drug addicts is rising everyday just as the number of deaths also goes up. At least two people die in the state with their autopsy discovering drug overdose in the blood. NEWSOK website indicates that drug addiction is not only affecting youngsters. Old aged individuals of over 55 years are also highly abusing drugs, especially prescription drugs. Oklahoma has 4 or 5 victims with overdose on widely prescribed medications, found in thousands of numbers in their homes, days after their death. This shows why Oklahoma is the number 1 in prescription drug overdose. In 2010, hydrocodone, oxycodone together with alprazolam were found to be deadly painkillers. The Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control showed that Hydrocodone accounted for 153 overdose deaths in the state followed by oxycodone which caused 144 deaths.
Victims of these drugs find it impossible to quit and many give up and keep using the drugs. However, this should not be the case as you can quit any addiction no matter how deep it is. There are options like rehab facilities in Enid and neighboring cities and we can help you find them. It is not impossible to quit; contact us and we will show you how.