Opiate Addiction Treatment Centers

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Opiate Drug Treatment Facilities
The US opioid addiction crisis has reached epidemic proportions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that opioids were involved in over 47,600 overdoses (68 percent) of the 70,237 total drug overdose deaths that occurred in 2017. Heroin and commonly prescribed opioid painkillers like oxycodone (Oxycontin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin) continue to cause rampant fatalities (15,482 and 14,495 respectively in 2017, according to data from Kaiser Family Foundation); while newer threats like fentanyl and other powerful synthetic variations claimed the lives of 28,466.
Many of the opioid use disorder (OUD) sufferers that have managed to avoid succumbing to fatal overdose face unimaginable destruction to their physical health, emotional stability, and quality of life. The role of opiate addiction treatment centers should be to provide comprehensive care to address the immediate medical and long-term behavioral fallout of this disease.
How Opiate Addiction Happens
Opioid addiction occurs as the result changes in the brain’s chemistry that occur through tolerance to the subsequent abuse of opioids. Increased and prolonged use of opioids breeds incremental tolerance and dependency, eventually leading to full-blown addiction. The CDC recommends opioids for the treatment of chronic pain only in extreme circumstances like end-of-life measures or cancer-related pain. Ongoing use of opioids for less severe conditions can create life-threatening dependency.
Identifying Opioid Use Disorder in Yourself or Your Loved One
The legally regulated nature of prescription and synthetic opioids can blur the lines between acceptable use and misuse. While heroin use, in any form, is cause for immediate alarm and intervention, many individuals have a hard time distinguishing the line between normal and excessive prescription opioid consumption.
Even when a person feels as though their friend or loved one may be suffering from opioid use disorder, it can be a very difficult and uncomfortable conversation to have; one that can breed hostility and resentment and irreparably damage the relationship. Failing to act or intervene, however, may have devastating and potentially life-threatening consequences.
The signs of opiate addiction look different for each patient but are characterized by many common physical, psychological and behavioral indicators. In an effort to hasten diagnosis and make OUD sufferers and their loved ones more quickly aware that they need help, the American Psychiatric Association has established a clear set of criteria to follow.
These criteria are outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) and include:
- Taking opioids in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended
- Persistent desire yet unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control opioid use
- Spending excessive time trying to obtain, use and recover from opioids
- Craving, or a strong desire to use opioids
- Recurrent opioid use resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school or home
- Continued opioid use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems
- Curtailing or ceasing Important social or recreational activities because of opioid use
- Recurrent opioid use in situations in which it is clearly physically hazardous
- Continued use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by opioids
- Tolerance characterized by the need for increased amounts of opioids to achieve intoxication
- Withdrawal manifested through physical and psychological symptoms
Two to three of these symptoms represent mild OUD; four to five represent moderate, and six or more represent severely. Some of the physical signs of opiate addiction include extreme changes in weight, sunken eyes, marks on the skin and more.
If you or someone you care about meet these criteria, it’s time to get opiate addiction help.
Common Types of Opioids
Opioids are powerful narcotic painkillers commonly used to treat severe temporary pain-related conditions such as post-surgical recovery, broken bones, and cancer-related pain. They generally fall under three categories (illicit, synthetic and non-synthetic).
Pure heroin is the most common example of an illicit opioid, whereas prescription opiate drugs include:
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Hycodan
- Morphine (MS Contin, Kadian)
- Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet)
- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
- Fentanyl (Duragesic
- Brand Names:
- Abstral, Actiq) (Fentanyl)
- Avinza (Morphine Sulfate)
- Demerol
- Butrans
- Tramadol (Ultram)
- Dilaudid (Hydromorphone)
- Dolophine (Methadone)
- Duragesic (Fentanyl)
- Fentora (Fentanyl)
- Hysingla (Hydrocodone)
- Methadose (Methadone)
- Morphabond (Morphine)
- Nucynta ER (Tapentadol)
- Oxaydo (Oxycodone)
- Oramorph (Morphine)
- Onsolis (Fentanyl)
- Roxanol-T (Morphine)
- Sublimaze (Fentanyl)
- Xtampza ER (Oxycodone)
- Zohydro ER (Hydrocodone)
- Anexsia (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen)
- Co-Gesic (Hydrocodone -Acetaminophen)
- Embeda (Morphine-Naltrexone)
- Exalgo (Hydromorphone Hydrochloride)
- Hycet (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Hycodan (Hydrocodone-Homatropine)
- Hydromet (Hydrocodone-Homatropine)
- Ibudone (Hydrocodone-Ibuprofen)
- Kadian (Morphine Sulfate)
- Liquicet (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Lorcet (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Lortab (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Maxidone (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Norco (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- OxyContin (Oxycodone Hydrochloride)
- Oxycet (Oxycodone-Acetaminophen)
- Palladone (Hydromorphone Hydrochloride)
- Percocet (Oxycodone-Acetaminophen
- Percodan (Oxycodone-Aspirin)
- Reprexain (Hydrocodone-Ibuprofen)
- Rezira (Hydrocodone-Pseudoephedrine)
- Roxicet (Oxycodone-Acetaminophen)
- Targiniq ER (Oxycodone-Naloxone)
- TussiCaps and Tussionex (Hydrocodone-Chlorpheniramine)
- Tylenol #3 and #4 (Codeine-Acetaminophen)
- Vicoprofen (Hydrocodone-Ibuprofen)
- Vituz (Hydrocodone-Chlorpheniramine)
- Xartemis XR (Oxycodone-Acetaminophen)
- Xodol and (Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen)
- Zutripro (Hydrocodone-Chlorpheniramine-Pseudoephedrine)
Each of these drugs has its own level of potency and formulation and should be taken under the close supervision of an experienced and qualified medical professional.
What to Expect From Opiate Addiction Treatment Centers
The best opiate addiction treatment centers will offer a customized combination of detoxification and withdrawal management followed by comprehensive behavioral rehab.
Opioid Detox and Withdrawal Management
Detox is the first step in the opioid addiction treatment process and helps patients purge their systems of the toxins that have gathered in their bodies through a prolonged and ignored course of opioid abuse. The initial detox process typically lasts three to seven days; however, symptoms can linger for months after. There are generally three stages of opioid withdrawal: early, acute and protracted. Symptoms are generally worse during the acute stage and can often include flu-like symptoms, severe joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating and much more.
These symptoms are best managed by an experienced and qualified medical professional.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that relapse rates for opiate addiction and other types of SUD are between 40-60 percent. One of the reasons why these rates are so high is because patients routinely find themselves relapsing after they try to detox on their own. The opiate detox process can sometimes be aided with medications. Some of the drugs that can help you detox from opiates include Suboxone® (buprenorphine and naloxone), Vivitrol® (naltrexone) and methadone. These drugs are not meant to replace any element of treatment. The best way to stop opiate addiction is through a comprehensive blend of detox, rehab and, if necessary and clinically appropriate, medication-assisted therapy (MAT).
The Opiate Rehab Process
Once patients have successfully completed detox for opiate addiction, they are strongly encouraged to undergo behavioral opiate rehab to develop coping mechanisms to prevent relapse and identify the root causes and sustaining factors associated with their abuse. The best opiate rehab centers offer a rich combination of group therapy, one-on-one counseling and a variety of supplemental therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, family involvement and more.
How Long Is Opiate Rehab?
The duration of each patient’s opiate rehab program will vary according to their care needs and the type of program they enter.
There are several common models for behavioral rehab, including:
- Inpatient – Residential treatment programs that typically last 28-30 days. Patients stay at their treatment facility when they’re not in rehab and have the benefit of constant support during their stay. Long-term residential rehab programs can last 90 days or more.
- Outpatient – Four-to-six-week programs that offer three or four treatment sessions per week. Outpatient sessions typically include counseling, group therapy and whatever therapies their treatment professionals deem clinically appropriate.
- Intensive Outpatient (IOP) – More in-depth version of the regular outpatient treatment. Programs are six to eight weeks and typically include five to six treatment sessions per week.
- Partial Hospitalization (PHP) – Patients have the option of staying at facility-sponsored housing and attending treatment sessions during the week. PHP programs offer targeted and in-depth behavioral care, including comprehensive rehab and, if necessary, MAT assistance.
While opiate recovery statistics can often seem discouraging, chances of long-term abstinence and sobriety are dramatically improved with comprehensive multilateral treatment.
Does Insurance Cover Opiate Addiction Treatment?
If you find yourself asking the question: “How much does opioid addiction treatment cost?” – you’re not alone. Thousands of individuals find themselves pricing quality addiction treatment for a full range of substance use disorders. As expensive as treatment may be, the cost of doing nothing can be far worse. The good news is, however, there are more and more options to help you pay for treatment, including private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.
Recent changes in healthcare legislation have prompted insurance companies to pay for a higher percentage of treatment. While almost all insurance plans will cover detox, the scope of coverage varies according to plan type.
Talk to the intake professionals at your prospective facility for full insurance verification. To find an opioid recovery center near you, please consult our comprehensive database of treatment centers.
Don’t sacrifice any more of your life to opioid addiction. Get the help you need and start healing.