Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Albany, Oregon (4)
List Of Albany, Oregon Addiction Treatment Facilities
Data regarding admissions to treatment centers in Oregon, including Albany, OR, are obtained from the N-SSATS and the TEDS in their report for SAMHSA. The reports based on surveys conducted in 2006 showed that in a one-day census, there were 22,353 patients for treatment in the rehab centers of the state. Among these, 2,273 were below the age of 18 years and the major portion of these patients, constituting 89%, were in the outpatient category. The reports also mention the drugs related to the admissions, showing that admissions caused by abuse of two or more drugs has also increased.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a drug addiction problem, our directory listing of rehab centers in and around Albany, OR offer the perfect solution for long-term recovery. Addiction becomes a habit that is hard to stop on one’s own and it starts interfering with your life. You could have started abusing drugs or alcohol for any number of reasons, such as some trauma or stress, difficulties in your school or job, some mental health problems, cultural or peer influences and so on. Whatever has caused the problem, help is near at hand and the sooner you access it the better your chances of recovery.