Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Portland, Oregon (52)
List Of Portland, Oregon Addiction Treatment Facilities
De Paul Treatment Centers Incorporated/Youth and Family Center
- Address: 4310 NE Killingworth Street
- Address: P.O. Box 3007
- City: Portland
- State: OR
- Zip Code: 97208
Data provided from the TEDS and N-SSATS for drug abuse statistics, as noted in the SAMHSA, show that in the year 2008, there were around 21,800 substance abuse treatments and Portland drug admissions in the city of Portland, with 67% of them being male and 33% of them being female. Of these, 30% were in the aged above 25 to 30 years; 22% were above 45 years; 19% were between 18 to 24 years and 22% between 35 to 44 years. With regard to ethnicity, the maximum number, 70%, of the admissions belonged to non-Hispanic whites.
If you or anyone you know is in need of help for Portland drug admissions and treatment, this is not a daunting task anymore. Our website lists several such Portland rehab centers and you can consider all facets before making the right choice. There are centers taking care of detox as well as other extended care options. You can find the addiction treatment to match the needs in order to achieve the best results and obtain a successful recovery. The listings contain services from Portland rehab centers, run by medical and psychiatric professionals who can successfully purge the addict’s system and ensure complete physical and mental stability. They also offer dual diagnosis treatment in cases where necessary.