Oxycodone Addiction
Oxycodone is a common narcotic painkiller that is used to treat prolonged, moderate-to-severe pain. In its brand form, oxycodone is known as Oxycontin. The narcotic is legal in the United States but poses a high risk of abuse and addiction when used improperly.
How Oxycodone Works
Oxycodone provides pain relief by desensitizing the areas of the brain that signal pain. When these areas are desensitized, dopamine is released, providing patients with pain relief that is often accompanied by a feeling of euphoria. The longer a patient takes the medication, the greater their chances of building a tolerance to its effects. If an oxycodone tolerance develops, patients will find themselves needing to take more of the medication to reach the level of relief that they once achieved easily. This behavior can cause significant withdrawal symptoms if the dose is decreased, missed, or stopped altogether.
Oxycodone Addiction Symptoms
If a patient has become addicted to oxycodone, they may develop one or many of the symptoms listed below. These symptoms may detrimentally affect the addict's personal and work relationships.
Oxycodone addiction is a life-threatening and serious condition that should be addressed as soon as possible.
- Muscle, bone, or joint pain
- Restlessness
- Disturbance of sleep patterns or insomnia
- Nausea/vomiting
- Difficulty breathing, including labored breathing with physical activity
- Mental issues including anxiety, panic, depression, and mood swings
- Inability to concentrate
- Abdominal pain or cramps
- Flu-like symptoms including fever, headache, sneezing, and excessive sweating
- Rapid heartbeat
- Muscle tightness or involuntary muscle twitching
- Constipation
People addicted to oxycodone often appear sedated if they miss a dose or stop taking the medication. With large doses of oxycodone, addicts can experience a reduction in blood pressure, which can result in dizziness.
Oxycodone Treatment Options
If you suspect that you or someone you love has an oxycodone addiction, it is important to seek treatment right away. Left unchecked, an oxycodone addiction can become increasingly detrimental to a person's physical and emotional well-being. In fact, oxycodone addiction can cause death if symptoms grow severe or if overdose occurs.
Thankfully, there are several outlets for oxycodone addicts to seek treatment. Oxycodone treatment options include inpatient and outpatient options. Inpatient options are available at residential facilities and combine individual, group, and other strategic methods to help patients overcome their pill dependence. Residential treatment centers often have detox facilities that are overseen by medical professionals. Outpatient treatment includes counseling and relapse prevention techniques.
Oxycodone addiction is a life-threatening and serious condition that should be addressed as soon as possible. As with any addiction, oxycodone dependence can lead a user to dangerous decisions that they would not normally make. Their behavior can become unpredictable, and they may put themselves and others at risk in their quest to obtain the drug they so desperately crave. The quicker an oxycodone addiction is recognized, the better the chances are that the addict will recover quickly and smoothly.
You don’t have to depend on a bottle of pills to feel alright. Recovery is as close as the medicine cabinet (and far healthier to turn to). Contact a treatment center today.