Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Lancaster, Pennsylvania (14)
While assessing the drug and alcohol problems in Pennsylvania State, it was found that estimates from the N-SSATS and the TEDS showed that during the 2006 survey, there were totally 44,349 clients admitted to rehab centers, including those in Lancaster, PA. The report showing estimates for substance use disorders also shows that 39,286 of these clients were in the outpatient category and 2,660 of them were below the age of 18 years. This constituted about 6% of the total number of admissions, pointing to the serious drug and alcohol abuse situation in the state.
In view of the above statistics, our directory listings offer you or anyone else in need of drug rehabilitation, a list of such centers located in Lancaster, PA, as also in the rest of the state. You can choose the type of treatment, according to the intensity and duration of your addiction. But, whatever the treatment modality, the procedure is conducted by professionals and certified medical personnel. All the rehab centers will first diagnose the severity of your condition and then create an individualized plan for treatment, in order to offer you long term and effective sobriety. When going through such programs, you can be assured that there will be minimal chances of a relapse after the program is finished.