Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Annandale, Virginia (3)
Estimates in SAMHSA, gathered from sources such as the N-SSATS and the TEDS, regarding admissions in treatment centers in the state and also in Annandale, VA, show that over the years from 1992 to 2006, there has been a reduction in the number of admissions pertaining to alcohol. The number of such admissions has come down from 26% of the total to 14%, whereas drug only admissions have witnessed an increase from 15% to 23%. In addition, the major substance of abuse is seen to be marijuana and heroin, being mentioned increasingly as the substance of abuse in the admissions.
If you are looking for a good rehab center for drug or alcohol addiction in and around Annandale, VA, our directory listings can be the perfect place to begin your search for a suitable center. We offer a complete list of centers located in the state and also near your location. Patients are first diagnosed and each individual case is properly studied to create a suitable program, according to the particular drug that has been abused, the intensity of the addiction, the duration and so on. Apart from detox procedures and therapies, counselors also work with patients during their stay, with group therapies involving exchange of views regarding their problems, their fears, feelings, all of which can effect a faster and better healing.