Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Appleton, Wisconsin (8)
List Of Appleton, Wisconsin Addiction Treatment Facilities
Affinity Health Systems Incorporated/Saint Elizabeths Hospital/Outpt Behavioral Service
Learn More About This RehabAffinity Health Systems Incorporated/Saint Elizabeths Hospital/Outpt Behavioral Service
Learn More About This RehabAccording to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the NSDUH, reports for the year 2005 to 2006 for the state of Wisconsin, including Appleton, WI, show that it ranked among the highest in the nation, in case of abuse of alcohol and binge alcohol. The survey from N-SSATS and the TEDS for SAMHSA also show that during the year 2006, there were totally 17,846 clients in treatment centers, during a one-day census. Of these, 16,558 were in the outpatient category and 1,974 were found to be below the age of 18 years.
If you are aware of someone in need of assistance for drug or alcohol addiction, our directory listings can help him or her through this traumatic period of their lives. Our listings suggest details of several rehab centers located in and around Appleton, WI, and also located in other places of the state. All the centers we have listed will offer professional services with detoxification as an initial procedure of the treatment. There are different types of detoxification process, depending on the drug abused. There are outpatient and inpatient options, special processes for opiates, alcohol and so on. There isn’t any one right detox process, as it all depends on the drug used, the dose taken, the intensity of the addiction and so on, which will determine the right detox procedure for you.