Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Beloit, Wisconsin (3)
List Of Beloit, Wisconsin Addiction Treatment Facilities
ccording to reports from the NSDUH for the combined years of 2005 to 2006 in the SAMHSA, it is seen that the state of Wisconsin, including Beloit, WI, stands among the highest for abuse of alcohol and binge alcohol, during the studied period. The National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services, the N-SSATS also showed that there were totally 290 rehab centers during the last survey of the state, offering various modalities of care, including outpatient treatment as well as residential treatment. The drug abuse problem presents a serious matter of concern in the state with the N-SSATS and the TEDS, Treatment Episode Data Set, report showing that there were totally 17,846 people in treatment during a one-day census taken in 2006.
If you are aware of someone who is in need of help for alcohol addiction either in Beloit, WI, or in any other place, you can ask them to take a look at our directory listings of rehab centers located near you and in other parts of the state as well. Many such people with addictions also wonder whether detoxification can be conducted in their homes. However, though it can be conducted, it is not safe to go through the procedure at home. The rehab centers that we have listed offer the safest options, as detox and other medical procedures and therapy are conducted under proper medical supervision.