Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Sheboygan, Wisconsin (6)
List Of Sheboygan, Wisconsin Addiction Treatment Facilities
In its report for SAMHSA, the NSDUH, shows that marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the state as well as in Sheboygan, WI, with more than 38,000 of the adolescents in the state out of the 474,000 adolescent population using marijuana, during the studied period from 2003 to 2006. The reports also show that males were more likely to use marijuana when compared to females, with 10.1% of the male adolescents, as against 5.9% of female adolescents. Another matter of major public health concern was the number of adolescents using painkillers for non-medical purposes.
Our directory listings of rehab centers are located in Sheboygan, WI, as well as in other parts of the state of Wisconsin. If you know someone who is in need of treatment for their addiction problems, you can refer them to our directory to seek help immediately. Apart from detox procedures, therapy and counseling sessions, many patients might also need to be prescribed medications and antidepressants, in case of some mental health disorder conditions. The professionals and staff at these rehab enter will also work on other issues that might be driving the addiction or causing the condition in the first place, in order to attack the problem from the roots.